

mwd-it.com was developed and enhanced over the years to allow the webmaster to utilize his training in C Sharp, SQL Server, .Net Framework, .Net Core, .Net 8, Typescript, Angular and Web Services (WCF - Web API). The webmaster has worked for Financial, Pharmaceutical, Human Resource, Fund Raising and Manufacturing firms. &<35;

health insurance alert

Please do not buy health insurance though US Health Advisers. They sell junk health insurance through companies like Freedom Life Insurance of America. It is not major medical, since some basic services are not covered. They only pay for one blood test and limit doctor office visits. They also put multi-plan on the ID card and you would think it is a health network but multi-plan/PHCS is not a health network, they only set the payout that the insurance company is liable for. On a CT scan multi-plan set the payout at 150 on a 5100 bill. YES, read that right.

GOOGLE: 'us health advisors ripoff', 'freedom life insurance of america ripoff', 'phcs ripoff'


Read LUCKY LOSER. It is the story of Donald Trump's lifetime of fraud and lies.

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